Friday 1 July 2016

I told myself that from now on i needed to stop letting the negative energy from situations and people i have no control over come into my space and ruin my energy. I needed to start being my own energy. One that is positive, optimistic, and understanding. I needed to stop letting my energy be affected by others negatively. I have to come to realize that I have no control over any situations that aren’t my own, I can’t change situations that aren’t my own and i have no right to intervene, and I can’t worry or stress over any situation thats not my own because what other people do is not my problem. By doing this i am choosing to be happy. Im choosing to let go of expectation and attachments. 

What do i mean by expectations and attachments?

I mean letting go of expectations by saying to ourselves that expecting anything from anyone is always disappointing and will take control over our happiness when they don’t work out. Disappointment will no longer be a feeling to us because we won’t be attached to anything to be disappointed in. Expectation in relationships ruins them, aways expecting texts back, expecting an equal effort, expecting things to go in a certain way, anything has a chance of ending in disappointment and its the negative feelings of disappointment that we let affect us. We then need to let go of expectation in all aspects and let everything flow and happen how it happens. 

What i mean by attachments is attachment to over thinking constantly in fear that we are missing something or something is going to happen out of our control, we need to let go of attachments to material items, love, relationships etc. Real love has no attachments and is free FLOWING!! Just let everything free flow, it will unfold naturally. 

By doing this we are trying to achieve the state where we only let in positive energy into our well being and our bodies and the universe will respond positively to us in return. We literally become ‘love, and we don’t allow any negative energy into us and we don’t respond in any negative energy. We become peace and love, and we turn our whole world around us to be the same. If you don’t allow the negative energy into your space, you eventually start to see the positive in everything and you will appreciate how everything in life is a lesson and its here to teach you, not hurt you. By not letting ourselves feel any hurt (negative emotion) towards anything, we are then being logical and can see how the negative situations and people we go through are lessons and not directly out to HURT you. We have become like emotional sponges, where we bare the negative emotions and effects from others. While feeling emotion is good, remember its the bad emotions we are choosing to not let into our lives. If everyone in this world responded to every situation and person in a LOVING, understanding, peaceful way, there would be no negative energy left!! Just think about that for a second!! If no one let negative energy into their lives, or portrayed it on anyone elses, the negative energy would have to leave, it would be cleared out. Thats simple, but its powerful and is the prime example that shows that how we respond to negative energy is everything. if we respond negatively, we are just creating more negative energy instead of clearing it away. 

When you truly are tired of allowing your wellbeing to be controlled by negative experiences and people, you will realize how amazing it would be to just let go of the strings, the attachments. Just let them go and realize that you are healthy, you are working on you, you have a roof over your head, a place to sleep at night, and just name all of the things you’re thankful for and that is positive in your life. This will show you that in YOUR life you have a lot to be positive and thankful for. Then if you picture yourself just letting go of the rope of all other peoples expectations on you, all your anxiety over things that you have no control over, all of the weight of the attachments you have about over thinking everything, all the troubles in your life. Your boss yelling at you, you’re sister being mad at you over something, your relationship thats not going so well right now, anything. Just let go of all the attachments you have to worrying over and all of the things you do. Allow yourself to be free of all the stress and worry. Really focus on your breathing and act like your pushing all that negative energy away from you, and just be you. Think about how thankful you are for your body, that its in one piece and you can read this. You, yourself have nothing to worry about. If car payments, mortgages, loans, relationships, deaths, figuring out your life, being behind, getting older, etc (external stress) didn’t play any part in your life, you would be fine. All the external stress is what we spend worrying about all the time. Its not us, (most)  are fine as human beings. We constantly let our minds run our reality. We obsess over situations that come up in our life that put us face to face with out fears; Someone walking out of a relationship, losing your job, a death, anything that has any negative energy attached to it. Even the small things. We allow our happiness and peace to be destroyed by external situations that again, we have no control over. And we can understand that all of these situations will always come arise, we will always come to a cross road or bumps. Thats life, it purposely teaches you lessons and prepares you for the next pothole. How we choose to handle these situations is the stepping stone for a stress free life. If we can conquer, and TRULY conquer how we handle things situations and respond to them, we will find true zen, the true happiness. And the way we do that is deciding what kind of energies we want to allow into our brain, our consciousness, our peace, our world. When you only allow good positive energy in, you can only give positive good energy, therefor creating yourself and the space around you to be filled with good positive energy. You have to make a conscious decision everyday you wake up or are faced with a negative situation, to not allows its negative energy into yours. Be love, give love. I don t mean love like the lovey dovey love - not flirty love, the love that is friendly, understanding, welcoming, peaceful, calm, forgiving. That love. Thats the love we all want to be. Its happy, its what happiness truly is, its being all-loving. 


I was at work and one of my managers came up to me and told me that the dress code for my work doesnt allow me to have a shirt on that isn’t past my butt in length. And she didn’t say it meanly, but it stuck with me for a second and i could of let something that simple ruin my work shift because i have the worst habit of letting the SMALLEST things affect me. But right there i chose to think “It was a mistake, she knows you didnt know that, no one really cares THAT much, why do i even care???” and i just visioned myself pushing away all the negative energy that just tried to find its way to me. I walked away happier then when she said that to me, because I pdidnt let the negative energy in and i realized that i didn’t and it felt GOOD. 

Thats only one small example of what Im talking about. I used that to show you how the smaller things can affect our peace and happiness. By choosing to not react off of something our only let in positive thoughts and actions. 

The best part of all this is that we sometimes don’t even know what the feeling of true happiness is. We doubt what happiness brings. We hear all these things about how true happiness can be achieved and what its suppose to feel like, and then we worry constantly about how we are going to feel this true happiness and what it even feels like. A lot, A LOT of the worries and stresses we cary around our whole lives is worrying when were going to feel this TRUE happiness, this happiness that claims to be so satisfying and refreshing and will leave you content and worry free, and we can’t find it because because we are always searching, comparing, expecting, worrying, etc. Instead we should be in check with ourselves, our bodies and minds, and start taking a couple hours to review what really matters, what were allowing thats negative energy to enter into us, and reflect. You need to train yourself to be conscious of situations and people that are releasing negative energy into your space. And once you get good at this, you realize you can be in situations that are negative, but you don’t allow the energy to enter you. Someone can say something negative to you, and you just will not allow it in your circle of energy. When you are able to do this, you understand that its a gift and that not a lot of people can do this. You have to be forgiving towards the people and situations that want to bombard you with negative energy, because they do not understand what level you are on. The kind of love and happiness we want to achieve is the love that is forgiving and understanding. you can’t respond negatively to situations involving someone else because you are not that person, and you may never understand why the person behaved the way they did or why a certain situation happened. You let people be and worry only about yourself and your life because thats the only one you’re in control of. You understand that not everyone is able to let go of negative energy and make the jump to the positive loving side.  instead you chose to be a calm collected person that refuses to let that negative energy affect you. When you start becoming so in control of your mind that you refuse to let the negative energy in of thing that you can’t change and are not your problem, you will see the positive outcomes that will start to arise, and fast. You’ll notice the simply beauty in life, you’ll create a world around you that is positive and loving. You become love, and you’re genuinely happy because you’ve officially decided to surrender to your mind with love and peace. you let everything happen the way it should, you go with the flow, and you just be. You just exist and be you, and let everything else unfold. Life is a meditation. You calmly watch things unfold, you be the outside observer, you observe the flow of the universe, you notice the challenges and lessons, handle things optimistically and literally train your mind to respond to any situation as a lesson thats putting you onto something better, making you stronger for something, testing you, because if you pull through the challenges and tests the universe will always reward you with something. Its the energy you put out you get back. You get tested to see how strong you are, because in order to be successful, happy and at the top, you need to be ready. Its to see how bad you want something. YOU show the universe and yourself what YOU want your life to be by over coming all the challenges to get where you want to be.  How far you’re willing to go is where you’re going to end up. If you can handle anything and you constantly improve and get through life challenges,, you’ll only continue to grow and prosper and you’ll eventually get to the top (where YOU want to be). Open your mind to all the things life gives you for every positive thing you do. You do the things you have to, but with an open mind, always positive and you realize everything that happens to you is to teach you. 

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